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Italian Mannlicher-Carcano Folding Bayonet


Italian Mannlicher-Carcano Folding Bayonet



Italian Mannlicher-Carcano Folding Bayonet
Unique folding knife bayonet for use on the Mannlicher-Carcano M1938 Short Rifle (fucile corto). These rifles were produced in both 6.5 mm and 7.35 mm.
This example is the push-button folding model, where blade folds into handle like a pocket knife. This was done because the bayonet was intended to remain fixed to the rifle.

This did not work well in practice, so the folding feature was discontinued and a steel scabbard provided. Most scabbards have a frog stud, however, some have a belt loop (like this example).

Overall length with the blade folded is 8.50 in. (215 mm.).

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